Sunday, August 31, 2008

Ohio Trip

Grandkids are the BEST!!!!!!!

I loved my trip to Ohio. Five of my grandchildren live there. One brand new one (Abigail) and her big brother Matthew. And Lynn's three girls who are delightful-Auriane, Eliza and Maijlynn. Not to say that Kazia and Jasper are loved any less, but the others I do not get to see as often.
And it is always so fun to be treated like the best grandma in the world.
Now I also enjoyed my visit with Lynn and Alex and Mark and Anna but the grandkids were the icing on the cake.
The rest from daily work at the shop was an extra bonus.
I hope this blog exercise will be as fun as reading all of yours. It will take time for me to get used to it.
#8 grandchild is coming soon. I can't wait. GRANDKIDS ARE GREAT!!!!!!